Here is the reality

Hey guys I am still alive ;) Just wanted to let you know since I know I am such a bad updater but I hope you still think it is kinda interesting at least to read it lol. Anyway not much has happend, or I guess it has actually.... I have been pretty busy lately. Right after Christmas I went with my family til Maine to visit some cousines. We flew down and rented a car there to get around. Stayed a couple of days at grandpas house and after that we went til our cousines house. Two days we went snowboarding, One day til Boston, looking in small local stores and jast hanging out. But Gosh it's cold in Maine.... 
We got back and I unpacked my bag and packed it again. The day after I went on a church trip to North Americas largest waterpark. That was a lot of fun! We had a speeker, a band, and water slides and of course Thousands of awesome people to hang out with. A perfect weekend :D
Now I have been back to school for a week, same classes except one, that is child development and I actually like that class. We are gonna bring a baby home for the weekend for that class or it's not a real baby but still it screams and needs food and so on. So that will probably be a lot of fun to have to wake up in the middle of the night with a screaming baby haha I am excited.
The whole week I have been really tired though lol since I barely slept anything this weekend so a lot of early nights.... Today, Friday, I went out with a couple of friends to eat, gosh fried unhealthy food but so good, we ran around in the city, had some fun and now I am back home. Tomorrow I have my first soccer practice! We only practice once a week now (I am going to do club soccer) before season but anyway it's better then nothing. and I am doing a indoor team too so I will have games on Tuesday too :D
And then I am going to babysit.......
Okay that's my exciting life...... Just wanted to let you know I am still alive :D 
And I want to wish the best dad ever a happy belated birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day and I am sorry I wasn't there with you but I love you very much and I hope you know that <3 
Well I have spent half my time here and although I can't wait to go home it feels kinda weird to just leave my friends and family here....Gosh I am not ready to leave but still I miss you all so much <3 
Love you dadi <3


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