Exchangestudents must be some of the bravest people on earth

Har varit hemma nu i några veckor och så klart så är det skönt att va hemma men jag saknar även mitt andra hem i USA. Tankar om året... Hmmm låt mig säga så här. Det var ett helt liv i ett år, det var fantastikt, roligt, underbart, jobbigt, härligt o lite smått galet. Nej men vilken klok människa lämnar tryggheten bakom sig o beger sig helt själv ut i vida världen för att lära sig om andra kulturer, språk o människor+ jo svar på den frågan ska ni få här: Ett helt gäng med öppna, härliga, underbara ungdomar och vi behöver dessa världfamiljer för att förverkliga deras drömmar. det är därför som jag skriver det här inlägget. För att det snart kommer studenter hit till Sverige och de behöver värdfamiljer. Genom att öppna upp erat hem för en utbytestudent så får ni lära er om deras kultur, språk o om dem som personer så klart. Det bli lite som att ta hem världen till dig. Tänk vilket kul, annorlunda och lärorikt år det skulle kunna bli?! Har ni några frågor så kontakta gärna mig eller fråga direkt på YFU genom att ringa kontoret. ¨ här kommer lite info Den 14 augusti 2013 kommer ca 70 förväntansfulla utbytesstudenter till Sverige för att spendera ett läsår här hos oss. Studenterna kommer hit för att lära känna den svenska kulturen, gå i en gymnasieklass och uppleva vardagen hos en svensk familj. YFU önskar komma i kontakt med familjer som är intresserade av att lära känna en ungdom från ett annat land och få ett mycket spännande år! Kontakta YFU för mer information, [email protected] eller ring 08-650 50 25, eller skicka in en intresseanmälan på våran hemsida. Hoppas jag har inspirerat er lite i alla fall :D Best wishes

It's a party in the USA

Yesterday was prom which was tons of fun! I went to get my manicure and pedicure early in the morning (by ten) and when i got back home two hours later I got all my stuff together and went to my friends house where we all got ready together (Me and three friends) and then by 4:30 the guys came and we took pictures... Gosh so many pictures lol since all the parents came and wanted to take pics. And we put the bouttenir and corsage on each other and so on.... My corsage was so pretty! After that we went out to eat (A group of 13) Amd we had our own room so that was pretty cool LOL. Then we ngot to school for the walkin and they announce everybodys name and so on. We walked in and since the theme was vintage Hollywood we had papparatziis, the starts with every couple in, red carpet and everything haha. Prom was in the actually school gym but it couldnt been better anywhere else. It was so pretty with dance floor with lights over, fabric, and huge hollywood signs and yeah it was amazing! after I went to after prom at a friends house and got home around 3 in the morning..... had an early soccer game this morning so can't say that I got much sleep but it was totally worth it! we won our soccer game by 4-0 and I scored one of the goals so it was fun :D Now its nap time haha here is a picture from the walk in.... lots of love

I am doing it for the thrill

Hey :D Sorry for the weird stuff thats happening on my blogg with pictures upside down and so on LOL. Apparently my ipod doesnt like posting pictures on my blog. Yesterday I had a track meet. I ran 4 by 4 (which is like a stafett 400 m 4 personer), 4 by 8 (samma fast 800 ist), 400 and 200. Got first in 4 by4, third in 400 and fourth in 200 and guess what?! We got the new school resord and meet record for 4 by 8!!!!! Isnt that so cool. I mean we are forever gonna be on the school wall with our record!!!! (or until someones beats it at least and I think the last one was like ten years at least) So now me and my friends for 4 by 8 are even state ranked! Today I slept in late and then i baked scones and had tee for breakfast :D also skyped with a friend and now I am waiting for dad to pick me up and me and my sister are going to watch our brothers soccer game. Hasta luego Next weekend I have prom!!

I wish I had wings

Hey! gosh I haven't written in such a long time so don't even know where to start... But let's start with springbreak. As you know I went to Florida for my break and that was awesome. Even though we kinda had bad luck with the weather(it was colder then it usually is there) we had a lot of fun. 
We went to  different beaches, parks and a museum and after that we spent two days at universal studios and the Harry potter world!!!! I was in heaven! Had lunch at hogsheads, drank lots of butter beer and frozen butter beer, walked around in hog
warts, took some rides with the dragons and hippogiff and went shopping in the diagon alley and listened to the hogwarts choir. After five days in Florida we drove over to Tennessee where my sisters Hanna and Sarah were waiting for me. We had some great days together with a lot of laughter. Went to country music hall of fame, Andrew Jackson's president home and had some southern food of course. After way to few days there it was time for me and Sarah to leave. Got back to Ohio. Went to a soccer tournament in Indiana the coming weekend and met up with my swedish friend who is an exchange student there. We won most of our games and became the runner up team. So now I have a big trophy to fit in my already way to full suitcase. My weeks have after that been full of track, track meets and soccer. Have track everyday after school and meet twice a week and soccer about three times a week so it's a lot going on. Anyway I finally found a prom dress I liked so on Wednesday I am going to a girl that will alter it. This weekend I also went shopping with some friends so I have pretty earrings and necklace but I still want to find a clutch. Anyways I have about two weeks. Of course we also went for froyo after we had done some shopping and gosh I just love that frozen yoghurt place it's a blast! Yesterday I also had a soccer game so one of my friends picked me up since it was more then an hour away. Anyway we won the game. So that was good. Hope y'all good Now it's only like 57 days left.... Feels so weird....

hours after bed time.....

Should have been in bed a couple of hour ago 'cause now it's going to be hard to get up tomorrow morning... But I have been busy packing, didn't think it would take a whole evening/night but it really did!!!! Probably becuase I was trying on all the different outfits lol: Anyway tomorrow I have school as usual and track after but I can only go to halp of the practice because then we are leaving for Florida. I am super excited :D So my bag is now finish and I feel like most of my stuff is ready but I didn't do my homework and it's almost midnight.... Well I have study hall tomorrow so I wil just have to finish it then and I mean it is a reaaaaaaaally long drive so I can finish sleeping in the car CAPISH.
Today we had picture day for track so we didn't even have time to run and soccer was canceled because of the weather so no practice for me today, well well I survive ;) 
Probably good that I didn't practice since my knee is still hurting......
Have an awesome spring break guys and you might hear from me when I am visitibg Hanna in Nashville next weekend. 
Me and my track buddies <3


Guess what? I am eighteen now!!!!! Gosh feels so weird. 
Last Saturday my Family suprised me with a little suprise party with grandma and papa and later the same day my friends suprised me with a suprise party LOL I had no idea they had been planning it all. I definetly have the best friends and family on this plannet earth, love them all <3 
So Saturday one of my friends picked me off, randomely I had no idea he was coming, and we wnet out for a movie and after that build a bear lol you make a bear or I made a monkie. Really cute haha. And then we went home and the house was all decorated and my frinds were all there. We Had icecream cake, talked and played games. A lot of fun. 
Them last Monday on my actually birthday one off my teachers had made a cake for me and I got presents and a balloon! I had track after school and then later soccer so not much time to do anything more but I had a great day :) Although apparently my knee is inflamed so it hurts but my doctor at scholl said I can keep running but I need to take meds and ice it and tape it.... Anyway it was pretty bad this past weekend so I am glad she said I could still practice. 
This Friday i am going to Florida so I am really excited, can't wait! And then We are also visiting Hanna for a few days and my other sis Sarah!!!!! Gosh This spring break is going to be exciting :) 
Btw I got a birthday present from my principal (not really lol) A two hours delay because of bad weather haha and one tomorrow too (scheduled) so Short school days yey I like it :D 
Now my bed seems to miss me so good night 
lots of love 

Snow day!

Hmm sorry about last weeks update, I did it on my ipod and apperantly that didn't really work out as I hoped. 
anyway today school was canceled since we had a snow storm last night.... Yey i can get used to this :P 
so this morning I made breakfast for my siblings, awesome as i am, I made swedish pancakes ofcourse. And then I did my chores and now I am just hanging out doing nothing..... Should do my homework but that's boring so no. 
I think I will fix all my photos instead. I was planning tp upload some of them here but I haven't really had time. maybe later today though. 
Otherwise not much is happening right now, I have yputh group tonight and a soccer indoor game tomorrow and track on friday. And this weekend I also have to take care of a plastic baby for my child development class....... 
Lots of love always

I choose to be happy

hey 😀 
me and Hanna ahead an awesome time together. Can't believe I hadn't seen her for seven month! It was a lot to catch up on. late nights and days full of adventures were our reality. And yeah I didn't get much sleep that weekend but it was so worth it. The funny part was when I brought her to school and some people that didn't know I had a twin was totally amazed, stared at us in the hallway, and one girl on cruches fell when she saw us! Lol we were cracking up. 
but finally one day she had to back again and we were both every sad.... But spring break is getting closer and then we will see each other again. But before that its Florida 
last weekend I didn't do much, we had Friday of from school because of bad weather. I can get used to that ☺ and since we also had Monday of (scheduled) and two hours delay (scheduled) on Wednesday I can't say the week was nothing but awesomeness. 
Anyway I went to a play on Friday with my family and had a lazy day home at Saturday and two soccer practices at Sunday but really it was to very lazy practices. 
This Friday I am going to my friend since its her birthday and on Saturday I have yfu stuff. Can't wait to see all the other exchange students again! 

I choose to be happy

hey 😀 
me and Hanna ahead an awesome time together. Can't believe I hadn't seen her for seven month! It was a lot to catch up on. late nights and days full of adventures were our reality. And yeah I didn't get much sleep that weekend but it was so worth it. The funny part was when I brought her to school and some people that didn't know I had a twin was totally amazed, stared at us in the hallway, and one girl on cruches fell when she saw us! Lol we were cracking up. 
but finally one day she had to back again and we were both every sad.... But spring break is getting closer and then we will see each other again. But before that its Florida 
last weekend I didn't do much, we had Friday of from school because of bad weather. I can get used to that ☺ and since we also had Monday of (scheduled) and two hours delay (scheduled) on Wednesday I can't say the week was nothing but awesomeness. 
Anyway I went to a play on Friday with my family and had a lazy day home at Saturday and two soccer practices at Sunday but really it was to very lazy practices. 
This Friday I am going to my friend since its her birthday and on Saturday I have yfu stuff. Can't wait to see all the other exchange students again! 
lots of love 

office work

sitter på min v-pappas kontor och chillar lite innan hämta upp hanna om typ fyra timmar. Har ett eget conference room med härligt sällskap (Ice coffee and my ipod lol)  Ingen skola idag så fick följa med dad eftersom han måste jobba. Hur som helst så är det ett najs kontor mitt i columbus :D 
Gosh I am so Excited to see Hanna again!!!!! Har liksom gått mer än 6 månader sedan jag såg henne!!! Fatta liksom det är mer än ett halvår, längsta tiden jag varit utan henne förut har typ varit en vecka som mest.....
Men nu så kommer hon snart hit, jag ska visa henne allt vi gör här i Ohio haha. 
Shopping står på schemat idag i alla fall och sedan ikväll så har jag lite kompisar som inte kan vänta tills de får träffa henner. 
Igår så var det som sagt alla hjärtans dag.... Gissa vem som har en baldejt? haha världens sötaste sätt han frågade på också. 
Började efter min första klass med att jag hade fått en bukett blommor i mitt skåp och en lapp som sa kom ihåg att du gillar puzzel. och två pusselbitar. Sedan så gick jag till min nästa klass där det låg en pusselbit på min bänk och en tjej kom upp med en till pusselbit till mig. Sedan under dagen så fortsatte random personer med att komma med pussel bitar till mig och jag hittade en i min lunch box haha. I slutet av dagen så fick jag de två sista bitarna och när jag satte ihop det så sa det "vill du bli min bal dejt?" gosh dog lite vad gulligt det var. Haha så nu måste jag köpa en balklänning.... eller balen är inte förens i maj så det är lunch ;) 
en av de 15 pusselbitarna :) 
glad alla hjärtans dag på er <3 Älskar och saknar er 

den som väntar på något gott väntar aldirg för länge?

Gosh har svårt att förstå hur lång tid det gått sedan jag sa hejdå till min älskade syster på flygplatsen. Tänkte på det idag..... Mer en sex månader :o men snart så får jag se henne igen! Hon kommer nämligen och hälsar på mig på Fredag!!!!!! Can't wait :D Japp så hon tar flyget från Nashville och kommer hit typ efter lunch. Så då ska jag och Hanna shoppa, och sedan på kvällen så har jag lite kompisar som kommer hem till mig eftersom de vill träffa henne. 
Annars så är alla dagar planerade ända tills hon åker tbxpå Tisdag. Bland annat snowboarding står på schemat :D 
Anyway imorgon så har jag fotbollsmatch och sedan så måste jag fixa allt tills Hanna kommer :D 
Idag så hade jag track efter skolan och åkte sedan till Grandms house för att spendera kvällen där. Nu har jag varit hemma ett tag och försökt skriva på min english essay men tror jag ger upp nu..... 
Igår var det fat tuesday så vi var ut och åt på en restaurang osv osv. 
trött chey kollapsar snart så god natt.


Already februare? and only 13 days until I will see my sister!!!!!!! Gosh I can't wait!
Have had a couple of two hours delays because of cold weather or snow, You gotta love america for that! 
had an indoor soccer game yesterday.... We lost pretty big.... (no details lol)..... And tonight I think I will go to the mall 'cause i need to get a present to a friend since it was her birthday this week... And on Saturday we are having a surprise party for her so that will be fun!  
Oooh and last weekend I had sleepover with the rest of the exchange students in my area. It was so much fun! We played silly games and did stupid human tricks and laser tag (really hurt! you have like fake guns but anyway it was so much fun) and had food from all over the world. I have friends from Africa, Europe, Asia.... Yeah I know that is pretty cool :p 


Just thinking.... It makes sense that americans doesn't have the word LAGOM I mean it makes sense since they wouldn-t understand what it means ;) Just think about, do they know when they had lagom food? probably not (me neither though lol) do they know when they have been driving lagom (not really I mean even walking out the drive way to the bus is a nightmare, we take the car haha) And most of all do they know when they should should loose the leash their kids to the LAGOM length? (Absolutely not, most parents parent their kids like they are babies even though they are almost adults!). Does it make me frustrated to see all this stuff without being able to point it out because they take it as an insult? Yeah but you know what, I am finally starting to understand why it is like it is, And isn't that what it's all about, Sometimes you don't like it but you accept it because not everybody are like you! I  would not say that it's always easy to be an exchange student, sometimes I wonder if it's even worth it.... But I know the answear, IT IS SO WORTH IT cause believe me I would not regret my deision to do it, not even for a frozen youghurt with candy (love it). 
But guys you should know that I do miss you a lot <3 
Got back from Chicago yesterday night and I must say that I like that city, It's nice city and close to the beaches. But the name makes sense "The windy city", that is so true.....


I had my fisrt indoor soccer game today and I must say that was an experience lol! We played seven on the field (kinda like turf but turfcarpet....) And you played with the walls. Really trange but got used to after a while. Anyway soccer is always fun :D And we won with 10-0 I believe.... 
Otherwise I had FCA yesterday, Youth group tomorrow and On Friday I am going to Chicago with my family since we are getting a four day weekend! Yippi :D 

Here is the reality

Hey guys I am still alive ;) Just wanted to let you know since I know I am such a bad updater but I hope you still think it is kinda interesting at least to read it lol. Anyway not much has happend, or I guess it has actually.... I have been pretty busy lately. Right after Christmas I went with my family til Maine to visit some cousines. We flew down and rented a car there to get around. Stayed a couple of days at grandpas house and after that we went til our cousines house. Two days we went snowboarding, One day til Boston, looking in small local stores and jast hanging out. But Gosh it's cold in Maine.... 
We got back and I unpacked my bag and packed it again. The day after I went on a church trip to North Americas largest waterpark. That was a lot of fun! We had a speeker, a band, and water slides and of course Thousands of awesome people to hang out with. A perfect weekend :D
Now I have been back to school for a week, same classes except one, that is child development and I actually like that class. We are gonna bring a baby home for the weekend for that class or it's not a real baby but still it screams and needs food and so on. So that will probably be a lot of fun to have to wake up in the middle of the night with a screaming baby haha I am excited.
The whole week I have been really tired though lol since I barely slept anything this weekend so a lot of early nights.... Today, Friday, I went out with a couple of friends to eat, gosh fried unhealthy food but so good, we ran around in the city, had some fun and now I am back home. Tomorrow I have my first soccer practice! We only practice once a week now (I am going to do club soccer) before season but anyway it's better then nothing. and I am doing a indoor team too so I will have games on Tuesday too :D
And then I am going to babysit.......
Okay that's my exciting life...... Just wanted to let you know I am still alive :D 
And I want to wish the best dad ever a happy belated birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day and I am sorry I wasn't there with you but I love you very much and I hope you know that <3 
Well I have spent half my time here and although I can't wait to go home it feels kinda weird to just leave my friends and family here....Gosh I am not ready to leave but still I miss you all so much <3 
Love you dadi <3

Merry Christmas

God jul på er alihopa! Igår så var det ju jul afton så då hade vi lite gäster över för lunch, sedan så gick vi i kyrkan och efter det så kollade vi på jul belysning. Vissa är verkligen galna med att dekorera husen med julbelysning lol. Efter att vi gjort det ett tag så åkte vi hem och believe it or not Santa var tidig i år så han hade redan varit här (I usa så kommer han till juldagen) så då öppnade vi jul klappar hela natten haha. Jag fick en hel del fina julklappar faktiskt. Bland annat lite ohio fan kläder haha, ski socks, gloves, googles, en myyyyys flece, ramar, french memmo board, enbok, tre härliga magasin (elle, seventeen and vogue) fluffy socks och så har jag säkert glömt något haha. Och det bästa av allt var att jag fick mitt paket från mamma och pappa på självaste julafton! som jag har väntat på det och sprungit till brevlådan barje dag haha. Så har nu lite smått ont i magen efter alldelles för mycket jul skum haha. Hur som helst så måste jag packa nu för imorgon bitt( typ tidigt därför så sover vi på hotell i natt) så flyger vi till Maine. Där ska vi träffa släkt och jag ska åka snowboard yey. Berättar mer när vi kommer tbx efter nyår. 
Ville bara säga att jag har de bästa vännerna och de bästa familjerna <3 älskar er alla
Och fullt med jul kramar för alla fina julkort jag fått, julklappar, och Emilia jag älskade dina paket även om det inte blev världens största överaskning ;) 


Thanksgiving break

last day wat the last day at school before thanksgiving so now we are out until Monday :D 
Thanksgiving for my host family means going to New Jersey so today they woke me up way to early (about 4 o'clock). I grabbed my pillow and went straight to the car and tried to sleep again but sleeping in a car isn't so comfy.... Anyway three christmas movies, a stop for breakfast, a big gingerbread latte at starbucks and about nine hours later we arrived to our relatives house were we will spend the days. 
Tomorrow it will come more relatives here and we will eat tons of food ( that's pretty much what you do on thanksgiving or you say what you are thankful for too). and then on Friday we are gong to the big city, New York!!!!! I am so excited about that :D but the sad part is that we won't go to the staty of liberty since you can't go there because of the storm but anyway we will find other stuff to do for sure lol. 
If you are bored in New York it's your own fault as the proverb says. 
Take care and Happy Thanks giving y'all.
picture promise when i get back 

Already November?

It's already Noveomber, my days here are flying away.... Soon it will be christmas ;) 
This Weekend I was at a socce tryout and they actually played christmas music at the church next to it I mean isn't that just a bit to early? Anyway the coach wanted me in his team so I have to Wednesday to say yes or no... I  will probably say yes though :) but club soccer here is sooooooo expensive! I was to another tryout on Sunday too for another club though but that club is even more expensive, some families here seems to be made of money I mean who in there right mind pay around 20 000 to let their daughter play for a good soccer team?! 
I like that club though, the coaches are good, nice fields ( indoor turf ) and a bunch of good players.
I was also at the movies with some friends and got a dussin roses from a guy so that was really cute. The movie was pretty strange, it was a but time travelling, I think the name was Looper....
Next weekend I have FCA camp so tell you more about that after but now I have a spooky story to write for my creative writting class so see you guys and miss you a lot <3

The excitement of seeing an ikea store....

I was on an exchange student meeting today in Cincinnatti and after that I went to Ikea! I was so excited and happy over that. They had the swedish food so I had meetballs ofcourse. I even bought some christmas presents to my host siblings like pärlplattor since my dad said they never done that before! And I also bought half the Ikea food store. LOL. So Now we have swedish musli (the exactly same as we have home mom and dad! you know the one with fruits and nuts)  and lussekatter, glögg and pepparkakor and lingonsylt, blåbärssylt and sill! And I also bought chocolate advent calenders for me and all my host siblings so now I am ready for christmas ( I am even listening to christmas music). 
We lost our soccer game this week so now we are out.... No more HIgh School soccer..... Ever.... I am really sad over that but I am looking at club soccer but its really, really expensive..... 
Thanks dad for the candy and magazine, my coach tried to read it but didn't understand any of it when i read it before the game last week ;) 
at the soccer field i have my name on a soccer ball, pretty awesome :)

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