hours after bed time.....

Should have been in bed a couple of hour ago 'cause now it's going to be hard to get up tomorrow morning... But I have been busy packing, didn't think it would take a whole evening/night but it really did!!!! Probably becuase I was trying on all the different outfits lol: Anyway tomorrow I have school as usual and track after but I can only go to halp of the practice because then we are leaving for Florida. I am super excited :D So my bag is now finish and I feel like most of my stuff is ready but I didn't do my homework and it's almost midnight.... Well I have study hall tomorrow so I wil just have to finish it then and I mean it is a reaaaaaaaally long drive so I can finish sleeping in the car CAPISH.
Today we had picture day for track so we didn't even have time to run and soccer was canceled because of the weather so no practice for me today, well well I survive ;) 
Probably good that I didn't practice since my knee is still hurting......
Have an awesome spring break guys and you might hear from me when I am visitibg Hanna in Nashville next weekend. 
Me and my track buddies <3


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